Professional Highlights

Interim Dean of Mathematics, Business, & Computer Technology

San Bernardino Valley College

2023 - 2024

I currently serve as the Interim Dean of the Mathematics, Business, & Computer Technology Division. I am grateful for the opportunity to support my colleagues and our students.

SBVC Campus Announcement; President's Board of Trustees Report

Asian & Pacific Islander Association

The Asian & Pacific Islander (API) Association was institutionalized by the San Bernardino Community College District in 2021. It was created to lift the voices of API staff, faculty, and administrators, with the long-term goal of supporting our students. Since we became an official vested group, we secured voting positions on several district-wide committees, hosted 27 events, and built a wonderful community. 

Involvement: President and Co-founder

APAHE 2023 Presentation

API Association Executive Team

API Heritage Month 2023

CHC Opening Ceremony

API Heritage Month 2023

SBVC Opening Ceremony with San Bernardino Mayor Helen Tran

LEAP Advance Class of 2023

Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics

CCCCO Representation Matters Webinar

Creating Inclusive Campus Environments for Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Student Success.

Flyer, Speaker Bios

Outstanding Faculty, 2020

Tenure, 2021

CSU San Bernardino's Department of Mathematics

Thesis Presentation


Departmental Honors


President's Academic Excellence Scholarship

2005 - 2009