Professional Engagements

Selected committee and statewide service, presentations, and publications.

Click here to read my Curriculum Vitae.

Academic Senate for California Community Colleges

Asian and Pacific Islander Caucus, Chair

2022 - present




Synopsis: Students who identify as Asian and Pacific Islander make up around 13% of California Community College students. Asian and Pacific Islanders are the fastest-growing ethnic group in California since 2011, growing an additional 25% statewide. After the pandemic, Asian and Pacific Islanders also experienced an explosive increase in racially motivated incidents. These increases should motivate faculty to look at what faculty can do on campus to support our Asian and Pacific Islander student communities. During this webinar, we will discuss some issues currently facing Asian and Pacific Islander students, and pedagogical and student services strategies and supports that faculty can take back to campus. 

Synopsis: Both ASCCC and CCCCO held, for the first time in February 2023 and April 2023, statewide webinars on serving CCC students who identify as Asian and Pacific Islander, who make up around 13% of California Community College students. During this webinar held during national APA Heritage Month, we will have follow up responses from panelists as well as discussion with attendees about the pedagogical and student services strategies and supports that CCC campuses and the CCCCO are implementing that were discussed in the earlier 25 ASCCC and CCCCO webinars.

California Outcomes Assessment Coordinators Hub (COACHes)

Friday SLO Talks

SLO Symposium

LEAP Advance

Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project



San Bernardino Community College District

Chancellor's Council

Member, 2022 - present

District Assembly

Member, 2018 - 2020

HR DEIA Committee

2022 - present

San Bernardino Valley College

Accreditation and Outcomes Committee

Outcomes Faculty Lead, 2019 - present

Member, 2018 - present

College Council

Member, 2022 - present

Curriculum Committee

Faculty Co-Chair, 2022 - present

Member, 2019 - present

Enrollment Management Committee

Member, 2022 - present

President's Equity Taskforce

Member, 2020 - present

Volunteer Work and Engagements

Asian American Pacific Islander Association, Vineyard USA

SLO Symposium

Colton Vineyard

Food Distribution 

Volunteer, 1996 - present

Feeding America food bank pickups, 2015 - present

SBVC Story - Bethany Tasaka